7 Learning Tips for Data Science Self-Study

Set clear goals: 

Before you begin your data science self-study, it's important to set clear goals for what you want to achieve.

Focus on fundamentals: 

Make sure you have a solid understanding of statistics, linear algebra, and programming basics like Python or R. 

Practice with real-world datasets:

Look for open datasets online or in your own field of interest, and practice manipulating and analyzing the data. 

Learn from others: 

Joining online communities, attending meetups or webinars, and following experts on social media can all help you learn from others. 

Build projects: 

Choose projects that interest you and challenge you to apply new skills. 

Practice problem-solving: 

Look for puzzles, competitions, or other challenges to help you hone your skills. 

Stay up-to-date: 

Subscribe to industry newsletters, attend conferences or webinars, and follow experts in the field to stay informed. 

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