Last Minute Preparation Tips & Tricks for GATE Exam

Revise all the formulas  Don't try to cram formulas, try to understand the concepts so that you don't feel pressured during exam time. Do not spend all your time on just one aspect of the GATE Aptitude Syllabus. Keep switching between different subjects. 

Practice Mock Test  After solving full mock tests, analyze your mistakes and solve the whole paper again. This will be a kind of revision for you. If you get stuck while solving the paper, don't look at the solution, try to remember it and if you can't remember, go for the solution.

Practice The Use of a Virtual calculator In the GATE exam, you’ll be provided the virtual calculator which is a bit difficult to use. It’s important for a candidate to practice using the virtual calculator or it will make problem-solving very difficult.

Be Relaxed, Cool & Calm Before the day of the examination just keep yourself cool & relaxed. Don't try to study everything & don’t start a new concept at the last minute instead have a look at formulae and equations to get some idea of the problems. 

Keep Yourself Motivated Your mindset a day before the exam is very important as it can directly affect your performance in exams. It is very important to keep yourself motivated and not think too much about the exam result and just focus on preparation.

Focus on your Strengths those in which you are weak should be done much earlier. Focusing on weaknesses on the last day may lead to less focus on your strengths which may affect your score. Hence, it is advised to focus more on your strengths on the last day.

Take an Expert opinion It is very essential to take the help of people who know better about the GATE examination. You can take help from the previous year's GATE candidates or your teacher to know what it is to attempt the GATE exam. Expert opinion may save you from many mistakes you may make in the exam.

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