10 Interesting facts about Apple Inc You Didn't Know 

Apple Inc's market cap is bigger than the GDP of 25 countries in the world -  The revenue generated by Apple is more than the GDP of Ecuador, Libya, Iraq & many other countries. 

Apple has over 140,000 employees around the world in 2020 -  With business booming more than ever, it is no wonder that Apple was hiring over 140,000 people in 2020. 

Apple Sold 849 450 iPhones per day in 2018 -  Throughout the late 2000s and early 2010s, Apple hardly had any competition when it came to smartphones. 

Apple earned $691,234.57 per minute in the first quarter of 2021 -  Time is money, especially if you’re rich 

The first Apple logo -  drawn by Ronald Wayne (the third co-founder of the brand), depicted Isaac Newton under an apple tree. However, Wayne soon left the company, and the logo became the iconic half-eaten Apple we’re used to seeing now. 

Every Apple iPhone ad displays the time as 9:41 AM, the time Steve Jobs unveils it in 2007 -  You can check it for yourself if you want to. 

More recently, Apple overtook Google as the most valuable brand in the world -  When it comes to brand perception, people tend to consider Apple’s tech as the most sophisticated in the market. 

In early 2015, Apple became the first-ever $700 billion company -  It now has a market value of around 2500 billion dollars. 

In the first quarter of 2014, Apple earned more than Google, Facebook, and Amazon combined -  Looks like Apple has always had a penchant for showing who’s boss. 

One in every three engineers at Apple is Indian -  It is no secret that Indians make up a large part of Silicon Valley. As a result, every third engineer at Apple is Indian. 

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