Important Dos and Don’ts for GATE 2025 Exam Preparation 

Do’s for the GATE exam -

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Have a proper exam day strategy -  Aspirants must examine the question paper thoroughly. Start attempting the easier ones first followed by the difficult ones which can be saved for the next scan.

More practice, more marks -  Mocks and previous question papers assist the best in overcoming weak topics. They can assist in gaining a better grasp of the questions that will be asked in the exam.

Quick revision -  Candidates must always keep a formula list ready for a quick revision before the exam. Focus on revising the main subjects as this will help in strengthening areas you’re good at.

Section-wise preparation - Aspirants must focus on studying topics/sections that have maximum marks weightage.

Don’ts for the GATE exam

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A big no to new topics -  This is not the time to start a new subject or chapter, as this will just add stress and confusion.

Don’t be nervous in the exam hall -  Due to mental pressure and anxiety, one tends to make mistakes even with simple questions. The trick is to solve one-liner MCQs first followed by numerical problems.

Use of virtual calculator - To do tough calculations one needs a virtual calculator. Get used to working out on that, as it helps students to boost their speed on it.

Do not put your health at risk - Maintain a healthy lifestyle, eat fiber and protein-rich diet, drink enough water, and ensure that you get proper sleep.

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