Importance of Reading Newspapers for Verbal Ability Preparation 

Importance of Reading Newspapers for Preparation of Verbal Ability: -  While news channels also give us this information, with the help of newspapers we get into the habit of reading. This is the reason why students, especially those preparing for competitive exams, benefit greatly from reading newspapers.

Reading RC quickly: -  By reading newspapers regularly, your reading speed increases tremendously. Newspapers have a variety of information from various sources like Local, National, International, and Scientific news, and such kind of exposure is very beneficial from the point of view of RCs.

Improve vocabulary: -  Articles and editorials are all written by experts, and hence, reading those will help to definitely improve your vocabulary. While reading the newspaper if you come across any new word or phrase, try to guess the meaning of the word according to the context given in the article.

Improve your language skills and communication skills: -  Reading is the best practice for improving your grammar. When you read, you understand the word usage and sentence formation, which will eventually help you with questions like ‘correct the sentence’ or ‘complete the sentence’ that are usually asked in the Verbal section of exams.

Useful for WAT/GD/PI: -  Newspapers have loads of information about current affairs, politics, science and technology, education, sports, and stock markets, which is extremely important from your GD-WAT/PI point of view.

Front Page: -  The front page of the newspaper is reserved for important and breaking news, this will be mainly related to current events and happenings in India and around the world. Hence, be smart and identify and filter out which news is important and read only the relevant news which will help you in your preparation.

Editorial and Opinions: -  This is a very important section and is often neglected by students. Usually, everyone just focuses on the first few pages and skips the rest. However, you will find editorials usually on the last few pages of the newspaper.

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