Importance of Parent-Teacher Meetings (PTM)

To Know About Your Child -  Parent-teacher meetings are a great chance to understand your child better. Teachers share information about behaviour, skills and their performance at school.

To Understand Their Strengths -  Parent-teacher meetings are a great way to find out your child's strengths. When you know what they are good at, you can encourage them and provide them with the right support.

To Build Positive Teacher-Parent Relationships -  Attending meetings shows that you value your child's education and helps build a supportive network around them.

To Know Your Child's Progress - Staying updated on your child’s school progress is vital to monitoring their development.

To Know Your Child's Friends -  It is very important to know your child's friends. Teachers can tell you who your child hangs out with, helping you understand their social circle and its influence.

To Understand the School Environment -  Attending parent-teacher meetings gives you a first-hand experience of your child's school environment.

Working on Your Child's Weaknesses -  Teachers can identify areas where your child may need improvement. Knowing these weaknesses can help you, along with your child's teacher, work on them effectively.

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