Importance of Education Essay in Student's Life

Practical Education Practical education is an on-job education. On-job education is a process where learning is done by doing. Learning is not restricted to books. Books provide us with a concept and an idea about a topic.  

Theoretical Education -  Theoretical education is referred to as book education. Book education is teaching the content about the topic. The content is generally written by subject experts or field experts.  

Transactional Education -  Transactional education is imparted through our daily interactions with the world. This education has no institution, books, syllabus, or rules. Transactional education is a self-directed, self-learned, situation-demanding in nature, and environment-engaging learning.  

Personality Development -  Everybody wants to have the best personality. Education plays an important role in sharpening the personality. Personality is not all about good grades and looks but is about gaining knowledge and traits.  

Career Builder -  Today, the rate of unemployment is increasing day by day. Lakhs of graduates are graduating every year with similar qualifications. So, for employers, it has become a tough task to choose the right one for their organization.  

Eliminating Social Issues -  Education has multiple objectives to accomplish. There are numerous social issues that are still prevailing in society. Society still follows these orthodox rules. It is because of a lack of educational inclusion in a society that we still live in ignorance.  

Shaping the Future of a Country -  It is the moral duty of a citizen to think about their country. The citizens of a country are its asset. These are the only asset that a country can bank upon.  

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