How to Write a Resume When You’re Fresh out of College? 

Provide professional contact information -  At the top of the document, add a header that lists your contact information. Include your full name, phone number, email address, and the city and state where you live. 

Use a resume summary -  A resume summary is a statement about skills, experience, and education inserted in the upper portion of a resume document, near the top. 

Use keywords to highlight education, certifications, and skills -  Listing this information can help you highlight why you’re qualified for your prospective role and showcase the college degree you earned. 

Education -  Include the degrees you completed and the academic institutions where you earned them. 

Certification -  Add any professional certifications you have earned. This can help you validate your skills and technical knowledge, and complement your academic credentials. 

Skills -  Choose hard, soft, and technical skills that highlight why you are a good fit for your prospective role. 

Conclude with your work history -  Conclude your resume by adding your work history and listing your previous or current positions that relate to your prospective role. 

Mention your GPA -  If you graduated with honors, or had a 3.5 GPA or above, consider featuring this information on your resume. 

Include business networking profiles and online resume links -  Include those links in your entry-level resume to show your level of engagement with others in the industry. 

Avoid mentioning high school -  While it may be helpful to list academic credentials on your resume, is typically not necessary to include those that you earned in high school. 

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