How to write a resume for a CA articleship?

Contact Information – Include your full name, professional title (e.g., Chartered Accountant Student), address, phone number, and email address. Ensure your contact details are clearly visible at the top of the resume.


Know the Basics:

Understand the firm you're interviewing with. Research its services, clients, and reputation. Tailor your answers to show how your skills align with their requirements.


Research the Firm

 Be prepared to discuss your academic achievements, internships, and relevant skills mentioned in your resume. Be truthful and ready to elaborate on your experiences.


Review Your Resume:


Practice Common Interview Questions:

 Emphasize communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and time-management skills. These qualities are essential for success in articleship.


Highlight Your Soft Skills:


Showcase Relevant Experience:


Be Confident and Professional:


Prepare for Technical Questions:


Ask Intelligent Questions:


Practice Mock Interviews:

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