How to Tackle Your College Workload 

Small chunks -  Instead of trying to sit down and read all the assigned reading for the week at one time, break it up into smaller sections.

Take advantage of downtime -  Even though there may not be a lot of this downtime, you would be surprised what even ten minutes can accomplish.

Find us in seemingly unusable time -  If you carpool, on the days you are the passenger bring your book or have Engage on your smartphone.

Save all your work -  Always save all your posts, paper, presentations, and PowerPoints because they can be a valuable source of information. And it’s a time saver as well.

Use classmates’ posts as a resource -  If you are having trouble finding research that applies to your topic, try seeing what resources your peers used.

Understand yourself -  If you work best under pressure, starting too early or giving yourself too much time can actually slow your progress. Find your homework pace and stick with it.

Learn to multitask -  Being able to multitask will save tons of time. You can even watch your favorite TV shows and work on your posts during the commercials.

Only two classes a semester -  If you take on too much at once, you will become overwhelmed and not be able to keep up with the demands of school, work and home.

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