How to Study For Long Hours Without Getting Tired?

Dehydration might make you feel weary, Prioritize your schedule:  Tackle the tough stuff in the morning when you're at your best energy-wise. (For most people this is the time they are most productive. If you're somehow an exception, feel free to pick the tougher stuff at a time that works for you.) This kind of schedule is yours. Energy is matched with difficulty. Work in hand As a result, you tackle less challenging subjects in the evening, when you're drained of your physical and mental energy and when procrastination is highest.

Exercise  As far as academics are concerned, physical exercise boosts learning ability and long-term memory, and controls anxiety and depression. But the benefits of exercise go beyond: it also improves concentration, alertness, and motivation. To quote John J. Ratey, associate clinical professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and co-author of the book Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain

Eat to keep energy levels up your brain accounts for just 2 percent of your body weight, consuming 20 percent of your daily energy intake. Studies have shown that non-enjoyable mentally exhausting tasks – academic learning would fall into this category for most – drain our energy faster. Therefore, it is important to eat to maintain your energy level while performing mentally exhausting tasks. Eat a high proportion of low glycemic index (GI) foods 

Create A Reading Map Map out the areas you wish to cover for that day. Say to yourself, “I must finish this part before I stop”. Setting goals increase your study rate by ten fold (It is a rocket loader).

Take regular breaks  All work and NO play makes Jack a dull boy!…so don’t be Jack, you should take breaks for two reasons; It not only relaxes you, but it also restores your waning concentration. Your concentration starts dropping after 50 minutes or so, and if you keep powering your way through, you’ll be studying with lesser concentration.

Group Study Personally prefer this method as it works for me. Studying in a group not only helps you remember 80% of what you read but also helps you study for longer. Having said that, now invite a friend over to your house and start reading together!

Change position  don't read just sitting in one position! ... It makes you bored and sleepy too! As per my research; Moving around while you study can also keep out distractions and force you to study for much longer. Give it a try and let me know if it works for you...

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