How to Stop Falling Behind on Your Homework 

First, you need a good way to get things into your calendar so that tasks don’t occupy space in your brain because you need it for other things – like guessing which guy the Bachelorette is going to give the final rose to.

Get Your Task Management System in Order  

You’ve probably experienced this before. You give yourself an hour to finish a small task, that you’re pretty sure won’t require the entire hour – but it ends up taking the entire time, anyway.

Break Things Down into Manageable Chunks and Start Early 

This tactic helps make the work less intimidating, which means you’ll have less resistance towards starting it.

Break all Assignments down into Smaller Milestones 

This last tip is where most students falter. When we’ve let the system get disorganized and messy – papers get put in the wrong place or shoved in our bag, tasks get written down on the back of our hands

Work Every Day 

It is essential to set aside time each week to complete and upload your assignments. Leave enough time before each deadline to carefully proof and edit your work.

Leave Yourself Time 

For students who fall behind in the first few weeks of an online course, I have a standard email that I send to everyone in the class about the importance of keeping up and meeting all the assignment deadlines.

Consider Your Alternatives 

Often, students know weeks in advance about a work-related assignment that may require travel or overtime.

Plan Ahead 

Above all else, communicate with your instructor if you are having problems keeping up with a course. The Internet is the greatest tool ever created for human communication at a distance.

Communicate Regularly 

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