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How to Speak Confidently in the UPSC Interview 

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Start Early! -  It is of the utmost importance to not squander any time. Get an early start. 

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Know Yourself -  You should work hard to improve any aspects of your character that might prevent you from being selected as an IAS officer. 

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Read your Bio-Data Multiple Times -  Make multiple passes over your biographical data, and make sure you’re well-prepared to answer inquiries on topics such as your hobbies, schooling, work experience. 

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Develop a Positive Attitude -  You may have had negative encounters during earlier job interviews as well. However, you shouldn’t let negative ideas destroy your opportunities 

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Develop Self-Confidence - Keep in mind that the line between having self-confidence and acting arrogant is a very fine one. 

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Don’t Lie -  Never put any fabricated information in your bio-data. They will almost always manage to catch you. 

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Improve your Communication Skills -  For the UPSC interview, you should work on improving your command of the language. 

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Get Straight to the Point -  Learn the skill of providing replies that are succinct and to the point. In many cases, lengthy explanations can be simplified into remarks that are brief yet still fascinating. 

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Revise your Optional Subject -  Refresh yourself on recent events that are relevant to your optional subject. 

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Be Yourself -  Avoid attempting to project a false personality onto the UPSC board. Don’t memorize answers for the UPSC interview. Be authentic and voice your viewpoint. 

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