How to Score 800 on SAT Math? 

Understand Your High-Level Weakness -  Every student has different flaws in SAT Math. It's important to Understand Your High-Level Weakness like Content or Time Management. 

Do a ton of Practice, and Understand Every Single Mistake -  On the path to perfection, you need to make sure every single one of your weak points is covered. 

If You Have Math Content Gaps, Be Ruthless About Filling Them -  Within SAT Math, you have to master a lot of subjects. You need to know how to solve equations, how deal with word problems, properties of functions, etc. 

If You Miss a Question, Try It Again Before Reading the Explanation -  When you're doing practice questions, the first thing you probably do is read the answer explanation and at most reflect on it a little. 

Master Every SAT Math Skill—Even the Rare Ones -  The SAT has an uneven balance of questions by skill. Algebra dominates the test, taking up over 50% of the test. 

Finish With Extra Time and Double-Check -  Your goal at the end of all this work is to get so good at SAT Math that you solve every question and have extra time left over at the end of the section to recheck your work. 

Eliminate Careless Mistakes -  Careless mistakes are one of the most frustrating types of errors to make, and nearly everyone makes them, especially in Math. So Eliminate these types of Careless Mistakes. 

Memorize the Formulas and Common Math Facts -  If you're still sleeping to the front of the section to look at the math formulas, you haven't gotten to understand SAT Math well enough yet. 

Don't Overly Depend on the  Calculator -  Learning to solve questions without the use of a calculator will strengthen your math intuition and force you to understand the underlying math, rather than relying on a calculator. 

Keep a calm mind during Tests, no problem -  During Tests you have to learn to be mentally strong like an athlete on game day. 

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