How to score 740 on the GMAT 

Learning, Tips and suggestions -

First things first, always make sure you fill-up the requirements in your application correctly. 

Practice, Practise, and Practice wisely. Strategic practices improve your confidence and your ability to handle tough questions. 

DO NOT worry about timing during the initial stages of your preparation. It will come eventually anyway, the following is the timing strategy 

Section Wise Tips and suggestions -

QUANT - There is a high chance that you make silly mistakes in the final test and lose important points. So make sure you are clear with all the math concepts in Quant and practice regularly. 

VERBAL-SC -  SC is not all about grammar. SC also understand the sentence. Especially when you are dealing with verb sequences or advanced topics. 

VERBAL RC - The one rule to follow in RC, which every test prep company suggests and unfortunately many test takers ignore is to write down paragraph summaries on the scratchpad. 

Verbal-CR -  Spend time identifying the conclusion. Identifying proper conclusions in the argument is really important, especially in higher-level CR questions. 

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