How to Score 150 in MHT CET? 

learn the exam format and syllabus A test cannot be taken without first understanding its requirements. View the MHT CET 2022 Syllabus and Exam Pattern in the paragraphs above.

Regular study Make it a routine to study frequently. Avoid basing your study habits on axioms like "study whenever you feel like it." If you don't put in the necessary commitment and effort, you should prepare to fail a national level competitive test.

Make notes. For each subject you are learning, make a separate notebook. Make brief notes about the parts of the subject you're reading that seem a bit difficult to you or that seem easy to forget. As a last-minute study tool before the test, these one-liners will be helpful.

Discover shortcuts Additionally, learning shortcuts are essential. You can find shortcuts for locating the answers to the quantitive portion almost anywhere. Try out these shortcuts, and then note which one suits you the most. Then practice answering questions like those using that shortcut.

Take a mock exam Give sectional practice tests first. then gradually transition to full mocks. You will gradually learn to manage your time thanks to this change, which will go smoothly

Review the Test Results Don't head straight for the outcome analysis section after each mock. Your brain requires a break to digest information. Take a brief pause, then resume your review of the mocks. Work on the weak areas after noting them down. Make this a routine process so that you can strengthen all of your weak points.

Management of time Despite their best efforts, people frequently fear performing poorly on mock tests. The main reason for this is because we aren't really organising our efforts by the amount of time needed for each component.

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