How to Reduce Test Anxiety 

Plan  Create a study environment that allows you to focus on your studies undisturbed: remove distractions, use natural light (nature exposure is good for you!), and create a space that you enjoy for your studies.

Schedule  Time management can be a challenge for students and working adults. Many things demand our attention, and prioritizing tasks can be difficult. This article offers time management tips for college students, including blocking your day into time devoted to life, work, and classwork.

Relax:  One common technique for relaxation involves deep breathing, which is something you can do anywhere, at any time. Take in a deep breath, hold it for a few seconds, and then slowly exhale and feel stressors leaving your body. You’ll find other techniques for relaxation in our Health and Wellness Guide for Busy College Students.

Fuel Your Body   Your brain and body need fuel to perform at their best. You have probably already been told that it’s important to eat a healthy, filling breakfast on the day of your exam. This is good advice, as exams can be quite long, and you will need energy. Plus, nobody wants to be distracted by a rumbling stomach. However, avoid too much caffeine, as that can increase your heart rate and make you feel even more anxious. 

Prepare:  On the day of the test, eat a good breakfast, dress comfortably, and set aside time for 15 minutes of physical activity, preferably in nature if weather permits. During this time, push away thoughts of test anxiety. Notice the birds, the colors of the trees, and the freshness of the air.

Get to the Exam Site Early  There are some things that you should do before your exam to lower your chances of feeling anxious. Ensure that you know the address of the testing site in advance, and leave early to ensure that you have plenty of time to get to where you need to be. It helps to pack everything you need for the exam the night before and set your alarm so that you aren’t stressed about being late

Read the Directions Carefully  If you’ve taken some of our free practice tests, you’re probably already familiar with the question types, but it’s never a bad idea to read the directions thoroughly before answering a question. You don’t want to waste time determining the answer to a question, only to realize that it wasn’t what the question was asking for.

Breathe  It’s important to stay calm during the exam. Too much worry can cause you to lose your working memory and ability to concentrate. A few minutes of deep breathing can do a lot to calm your nerves both before and during an exam. Try taking a deep breath, holding it for five seconds, and then slowly releasing it. Box Breathing is an effective technique for distracting your mind and calming your central nervous system.

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