How to Prepare for IIT JEE From Class 12th?

Know the Latest IIT  JEE Pattern - Class 12th Board Exam and JEE Advanced Exam Are Different; Thus, it can be difficult to prepare thoroughly for both. IIT-JEE is an objective type exam, whereas board exams are concept-based. Fill the gap between the two by focusing on both exams. Practice more problem-solving for JEE Advanced and build more conceptual knowledge for class 12th board exams.

Smart Planning   Before anything else, preparing a preparation strategy is the first and foremost thing for IIT-JEE preparation. Effective time management is the key and plays a vital role in setting JEE Advanced temperament. Make a study schedule and stick to it. Give equal weightage to each subject of the board and the IIT-JEE exam. Never overburden yourself mentally and physically beyond your limits; Otherwise, in the end, you will lose all your strength and self-confidence.

Cover the entire syllabus  You are preparing for two exams at once, so cover the entire syllabus as the exam pattern for both exams is almost the same. Since IIT-JEE requires a specified score (75%) in the board exam to appear for JEE Advanced, you cannot leave a single subject untouched. That's why don't take any chances. Give more time to the chapters which have more weightage.

Brush Stroke

IIT-JEE Right Books Choosing the right books for JEE Advanced is a smart decision. Study only those books which are best, very important, and easy to understand with comprehensive information. Do not collect too many books recommended by others so that you can save your precious time. First, study NCERT textbooks thoroughly to clear the concepts and then go for other reference books. Make sure that these books are in sync with the latest JEE Advanced exam pattern.

Revise well A revision can make or break your chances of scoring well in JEE Advanced. All your hard work and efforts are incomplete without foolproof revision. It is highly recommended that you revise after completing each and every topic. The revision will help you assess your mistakes, weaknesses, and abilities to make you more confident, and it helps you retain information for a more extended period of time.

Practice IIT-JEE Mock Papers   Practicing mock papers and previous year papers is essential and will fill you with the knowledge of both Class 12th Board and IIT-JEE exams. Always practice mock papers to get maximum benefit. Evaluate your performance and find out your weak areas. If you are significantly lacking in any subject, take the help of a mentor to understand it efficiently.

Knowledge of concepts, practice, speed, and accuracy are important. Time management is the key. You should devote enough time to each section – Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. In your tests and exam, attempt that subject first in which you are most comfortable.

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