How to prepare for an Oxbridge Interview? 

Groom Yourself for GD

The first thing that catches the eye about a person is grooming. It is first impression that matters a lot. Keeping this in mind one should dress up well and pay attention to their grooming for the Group Discussion. 

Take Clarifications if Required Beforehand

One should clear any doubts if they have beforehand itself, so that one is able to start the Group Discussion on a clear note. 

Initiate the Discussion if Possible

It is always advisable to initiate a discussion, until one is confident about the topic. In case the topic is unfamiliar, wait and let someone else initiate the discussion 

Always Carry Pen and Notebook

One should ensure that they carry a pen and a notepad in the group discussion, so that they can write down any points while participating in the discussion, helps you to remember your points well 

Maintain Eye Contact while Speaking

It’s extremely important to maintain eye contact while speaking. While addressing a group, one should make eye contact with all the members equally with whom it’s possible to make eye contact 

Maintain Decorum

It is very important to maintain decorum while in a Group Discussion, as unruly behavior is the most undesirable for everyone. 

Be Positive During Group Discussion

Lastly, be positive. It affects us, as well as others around us. 

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