How to Prep for the SAT over the Summer 

Make a Study Plan -  To keep up your motivation, make yourself a summer SAT study plan and stick to it. Plan out the day and week how much time you’ll spend studying and how often you’ll be taking practice tests. 

Answer one practice question each day -  Do you worry that opening your ACT/SAT study guide each and every summer day try this strategy, which emphasizes consistency over volume. 

Target Your Weak Areas -  Before you start your summer studying, take a full-length practice test, note what you had problems with, and plan your studying accordingly. 

Schedule a weekly study  session -  Scheduling a weekly study session is an alternate approach to SAT prep. If short, daily bursts of review are too off-putting or unmanageable, use a calendar to find time for a weekly study session. 

Consider a Summer SAT Prep Course -  Think about doing a summer SAT Bootcamp or other SAT prep course this summer to give you more structure in your studying. 

Read -  The SAT is shifting to place more emphasis on reading comprehension and interpretation, so emphasis on books that force you to use these skills. 

Don't Burn Yourself Out -  If you get to the end of the school year and you're brain-dead because of how hard you’ve been working, give yourself a break. 

Volunteer -  You might just find that you can combine several of your prep goals into one when you volunteer. Look for a volunteer opportunity where you can work with younger students who are learning skills in your weakest area. 

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