Consider WHO will be teaching you. Experience is important, and so is the passion to teach it. Look for Teachers who are Faculty by choice and not those there by chance.
Consider checking the online Presence the school has when it is NOT admission season. See what kind of Extracurricular activities are conducted at the school.
Check if the school offers you an opportunity to take courses more suited for your career path and not only the traditional ones available everywhere else. Look for Junior Colleges offering development “Beyond the Classroom” as well as Academic Excellence.
Too large a class and chances are you will always have to fight for the Instructors attention in class. Class size goes hand in hand with allotted time per Subject. With a 50–55 min Class time, comfortable class size is anything between 25–35 students.
It is important in your decision on which school to attend to see which Board meets your requirements. Knowing a school’s regional accreditation helps a lot. Accreditation means that the school is recognized as a legitimate institution and is not just a degree mill.
How interested is the school in you as a student? Are they able to help you when you’re having issues? Knowing that the school will always be there for you when you are having any difficulties is an indicator of how much they CARE about your education. You don’t want to risk throwing all of your money away based on hear-say and big names.
You might need help financially to attend a school that matches your needs, see what the school can do to help you. Likewise, remember that a high price does not necessarily guarantee high quality. Look at the courses you will likely be taking and consider how they will help you in your future career.
Do a search online for what students and parents are saying about a school. What do they like or not like about it?