How to Maintain the Right State Of Mind for Exam Preparation 

Focused Preparation -  The examination is just an outcome of the hard work and efforts put in while preparing for it, so the focus of the students should be sharp and clear from the very beginning. 

Be Your Own Evaluator -  Self-assessment is a crucial step in gaining confidence. Students must practice mock tests and also assess their performance on a regular basis. 

Fix your Routine -  If you’re not maintaining a strict timetable while preparing for the exam, you might end up wasting your valuable time. 

Give yourself some time to Relax -  The students should give sufficient time to feel fresh and get back to studies with better focus and concentration. 

Do Not Overburden Yourself -  Don’t get anxious and start with some concrete actions towards it. Sometimes students tend to overthink the situation, and that causes anxiety and stress. 

Do Not Compare Yourself With Others -  Do not compare yourself with others. It is rather better to compare your own performance with the previous records. This leads to constructive self-assessment. 

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