How To Keep Yourself Motivated For Consistent Preparation

Be your own motivator -  The goal is yours, so must be the efforts. Tell yourself, no one is going to study for you. To attain your goal you must buck up and back yourselves.

Break it down -  If expectations wear you down, the best way to deal with it is to break it down. Have many-targets and strive to achieve them.

Do what you enjoy -  If we enjoy studying, it becomes less work and more something to be enjoyed. Choose subjects that you are genuinely interested in.

Boredom kills your motivation -  Understand what topics bore you and try learning those parts by a different method. Be creative while dealing with these topics.

Tell Yourself Your Strengths - Sometimes studying for an exam can take a long time, and it's natural to feel a little low at times. At this time, remind yourself of your strengths.

Record your progress -  If you're feeling down, check out your progress chart. You will feel good about what you have achieved and will have the necessary encouragement to move forward.

Have a break! -  A good break can refresh your body and mind. A change of scene can also give you a fresh perspective, thus giving you better ideas and pointers for your answers.

Anticipate hurdles -  The successful person is not someone who didn’t face any obstacles but the one who faced obstacles and overcame them.

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