How to keep your Children Self-Motivated to Study Hard? 


Ask About What S/He is Learning – Not About Scores Instead of lashing out at your child for B’s and C’s, ask them what they learned at school and have them teach you. Correct them if s/he is wrong somewhere– which will help them retain better.


Staying on Your Kids’ Team is a Great Motivation - Have a relationship with your child that is positive and respectful. The need is to make your child feel responsible towards studies, and any reaction to your feelings of frustrations and fears will only make your child relent and defy you.


Working Together Will Motivate Child - Alternatively, you may both sit at the dining table and s/he may study whilst you can continue your office/ housework. But avoid using laptops and mobile during this.


Establish a Study Routine - Remember, doing homework is not studying. Studying should involve actively repeating the lessons, reading aloud aloud, understanding the context, and any hard words, and orally or writing the answers.


Talk About Studies - Discuss the subjects with your kid. Ask them what s/he studied today, and whether s/he found something interesting. Try to arrange the lab experiments at home too. You may discuss your school stories too.


लंबे उत्तरों को पैराग्राफ के बजाय बिंदुओं के रूप में याद करने का प्रयास करें,अवधारणाओं को वास्तविक जीवन की घटनाओं से जोड़ने का प्रयास करें।हमेशा पहले छोटे प्रश्नों का प्रयास करें। फिर लंबे प्रश्नों को अंत में संबोधित किया जाना चाहिए।


Create a Conducive Environment for Study - No sound of TV or music! Tell family members to talk softly and avoid any distractions during study hours. Children’s attention span is very short and they are easily distracted.


Stop Giving Any Long Lectures - Preaching, threatening, and manipulation have no place when it comes to effective parenting. Be specific. Give clear, precise, and short instructions. Refrain from punishing too much as well. Read here to know some creative punishment ideas for your kids.


Goal-Setting Motivate Child - Help your kid realize goals. you could put up a whiteboard in the room. Now break bigger assignments into smaller sections, which are driven by dates and times. Enter it on the board.

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