How to increase efficiency for JEE 2023

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Prepare a Strategy: -   A dream without a plan is just a wish. It sounds familiar and is equally relatable. Let your hard work and sincerity speak for you and it can only happen if you stick to a well-planned schedule. 

Get your concepts clear: -  Success depends on the time devoted to preparation. Utilize it for your benefit. Get your concepts clear, like crystal. Get in-depth knowledge of all current applications of a concept and go on to practice and acquire the fine fidelity of applying it to current questions.  

Take mock tests: -  It is nothing but a sort of trial exam. The more mock tests you take, the more familiar you get with the temperament of the examination. It is also a way to gauge your preparedness and identify your current standing.  

Strengthen your weaker subjects: -  Identify the chapters whose questions were difficult to solve. Consult teachers and faculty to answer questions. This not only helps in clearing the weak concepts but also helps in managing time in all aspects for better outcomes. 

Draft a workable schedule: -  When you want to achieve something, the first thing is to plan out your timetable. Schedules shall be made in a way that revision, learning, and testing go hand in hand. It also allows you to quickly run through short notes, formulae, and concepts.  

Choose a 3-tier revision method: -  Revisiting in time must boost retention and productivity. Here, a student can choose to work in a three-tier method. A topic done on a given day can be revised after 3 days and then the same topic can be refreshed at the end of the week. In this manner, a student is likely to get a stronghold on topics and subjects. 

Conceptual application of key formulae: -  Today's competitive environment needs one to learn & conceptually apply formulae in JEE Main type questions. This can be further strengthened at the time of revision.  

Be relaxed and stay motivated: -  For optimum performance, it is important that your mind & body are in shape. Studying for hours without any breaks in between may not reap desired results.

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