How to improve your speaking and writing skills 

Learn new phrases and words -  To fluently speak English, a sufficiently large vocabulary is needed. So try to learn and memorize at least three new phrases each day.

Proper Grammar When Speaking is Not the Most Important Thing -  To speak English fluently, you need to be able to talk without continually pausing to think about which word to use or whether the sentence is grammatically correct.

Keep an English dictionary -  You’ll be able to look up words to clarify their meaning and to learn antonyms and synonyms so as not to repeat words or phrases, which will better your communication skills.

Brush up your grammar -  Remember that grammar is more important when you write than when you speak because it is usually more formal and more structured.

Use other helpful sources -  There are many useful resources where you can find useful information; they can even be fun, and you’ll be able to communicate with others using the written word.

Read more in English -  To improve your writing skills, you should read as much as possible, and also write. As much as possible.

Watch Movies and Plays -  Movies and plays are engaging because they are based on human emotions which are universal. The language speaking is also simultaneously supported by visuals and this helps viewers to connect and understand.

Try getting someone to read what you've written -  a tutor, a tutor, a native speaker: someone who has mastery over the language and any mistakes you made in the grammar or spelling and style of your paragraphs. can help you understand and improve them.

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