How to improve your GMAT score by 100 points in 30 days 

Improving your verbal score -  Improving your verbal score - To improve your Verbal score, you should set a benchmark of 70 percentile and divide the three modules into two groups. In Group 1, including the modules where your accuracy is less than 70%, and in Group 2, including the modules where your accuracy is more than 70%. Start with Group 1 – Weak areas first. 

Improving your quant score -  Take a 30-question quiz on each topic – Number Properties, Algebra, Word Problems, Geometry. Identify whether you need to work on your concept building or Improving the process to solve questions. If you score less than 60% on a topic, you will have to work on your conceptual gaps. Therefore, you need to revisit the various concepts & formulas and then learn how to solve questions using these concepts by practicing 15-20 questions. 

Learning test taking strategies & taking mocks -  Once you’re done with the 2 stages mentioned above, it means you have covered the gaps. Now you’re in a position to maximize your scores. It is time to learn the right test-taking strategies and apply them to a few mock tests. 

Use High Quality Materials –  There are a lot of substandard materials in the market. And even though it's a test filled with very high-quality questions, copying GMAC's scoring algorithm is a difficult task, because they don't release it to the public at all. 

Take Care of Your Mental and Physical Health -  Your health and attitude can be major influences on your score. If you didn’t sleep well the night before, hadn’t eaten breakfast, were feeling anxious, had a cold, or whatever else, your score is likely to reflect that state. 

Break Bad Habits! -  A decrease in your score "problem" may actually just be a sign that you are learning. It's completely counterintuitive. As soon as you take the test for the first time, you'll have some bad habits, or, more accurately, assumptions and strategies that hold you back from your full potential. While learning more about the test and the best ways to take it, you'll inevitably encounter skills and strategies that you may not have used on your own. 

Make a Plan -  If you don’t have a road map to your destination, how will you know how close you are to getting there? Having a GMAT study plan is important to direct your study, make sure you cover all content areas and keep you on track. Not sure where to start? Check out Magoosh’s free GMAT study plans for schedules ranging anywhere from one to six months. 

Get Your Timing Down -  Though it’s not something that should worry you over when you first begin studying for the GMAT, mastering timing and pacing on the test is an important way to boost your scores. Find out what you need to know about your GMAT timing strategy! 

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