How To Improve Study Habits For Students

Find a good studying spot

This is important. You need to be in an environment with little to no distractions—an environment that will aid in keeping you focused on your assignments. The library has always been a reliable place to get some real academic work done, but if you prefer someplace else, just make sure that you’re set up for success.

Avoid social media

Speaking of distractions, nothing can sap away your time for a good 20-30 minutes like good old social media! Emails used to be the necessary evil in order to keep life going, but now people are communicating through social media platforms more than email or even talking on the phone!

Stay Away From Your Phone

Distractions also include avoiding your phone. The best thing you can do is either put your phone on silent, turn off the alerts and flip it over so that you can’t even SEE them, or just turn the thing off! If it helps, place the phone out of sight so that you’re not even tempted to check your messages.

No Willpower? Enlist the Help of an App

Apps like Focus Booster and Antisocial have your back! Antisocial blocks your access to a selection of websites with a timer that you select. Focus Booster is a mobile phone app that relies on the Pomodoro Technique, where you work intensively for 25 minutes and then you break for five minutes.

Take a break and take care of yourself

Talking a little more about taking breaks, this really shouldn’t be an option. College is hard work, and just like any other kind of job, you deserve a break. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Working until the wee hours of the morning to complete an assignment might be great for that class, but it’s not for you or other academic courses.

Organize lecture notes

Unless you are a legal transcriptionist, transcribing lecture notes can make your notebook look like a 7-year-old scribbled in it! That’s why it’s best to record your professors’ lectures so that you can get a better understanding of the lesson.

Join or create a study group

Have we mentioned that college is hard work? It’s worth stating again. Finding fellow students who are struggling to understand the coursework can be comforting. However, joining or creating a study group isn’t just because misery loves company, it’s about teamwork.

Aromatherapy, plants, and music

7 Techniques to Improve Your Study Habits, Science is always tinkering with nature, but in this case, in a simple way, only studying the effects of essential oils and plants on concentration, focus, and memory.

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