How to Have a Productive Study Break

Take Yourself for a Quick Walk -  Walking not only helps get your heart pumping, but a 2021 study published in Neuroimage found it can also improve your cognitive function. 

Meditate -  People can practice meditation wherever they are — at home, at the library, at a coffee shop — because it doesn’t require special equipment. 

Indulge Yourself by Reading or Watching 20 Minutes of Your Favorite Book or Show - Reading (or watching) something fun is a great way to break up a study session. 

Treat Yourself to a Coffee -  Not only will this get you out of the house, but Healthline also reports moderate consumption of coffee can help boost brain function. 

Take a Power Nap -  Studies have shown that even a 10-minute power nap can help improve memory and cognitive performance. 

Do Yoga or Take a Quick Bike Ride -  Exercise can help improve your memory and your concentration. 

Make Yourself a Healthy Snack -  Eating brain-healthy foods, such as blueberries, nuts, dark chocolate, and pumpkin seeds, can help satisfy your stomach and improve your ability to focus. 

Straighten Up –  Taking 20 minutes to put away the utensils, start a load of laundry, or take out the trash will not only give you a break from your books but can help you study more effectively. 

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