How to Create the Perfect College List for YOU 

Cast a wide net -  The most important thing is to make sure your college list is BALANCED, meaning it includes “Reaches,” “Likelies,” and “Safeties.”

Explore your interests and passions -  Searching by a program of study can be a great way to expand the college list in a personalized way. Search for the top programs in a given area, but don’t just look at the top ten.

Location -  Location is another parameter you can use to narrow your search to programs like College Planner Pro and Naviance, and it's very important.

Cost and scholarships -  Depending on your financial situation, cost and scholarship opportunities will be a major consideration in forming your college list.

Look overseas -  Higher education in other countries is often more specialized and less expensive than in the US, so for some students, looking overseas is absolutely worth considering.

A number of schools -  Just as many students and families puzzle over where to apply, plenty also wonder how many colleges they should apply to. Applying to a greater number of schools technically increases your child’s admissions odds.

Major, programs, and opportunities -  Universities, even those within the same tier, offer significantly different majors, programs, and opportunities to their students that warrant a closer look before your child adds them to their school list.

Prestige -  We question why “the right fit” and “the best” are presented as mutually exclusive. We believe your child can aim to get into the best schools that are also the right fit.

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