How to create a study space at home 

Create Privacy - Whenever possible, your study space should just be used for studying. Making it a designated study area will preserve its association with learning. 

Get Good Lighting - Try setting up a small desk or table near a window that would allow for natural light to filter in during study time. 

Make it Comfortable - Choose a chair that offers support and comfort. The best chairs for studying offer ergonomic support, which eases you into a neutral sitting posture. 

Control Noise - Some students love listening to music while they review notes. Songs can put you in a good mood, music is counterproductive—and not something you’ll hear in a test room. 

Use Scents - If you need a little pick-me-up before studying, try some essential oils. Lavender, rosemary, and peppermint oils have been shown to increase concentration and retention. 

Stay Organized - Invest in a desk organizer, which is a great way to keep the necessary supplies that you use often, within reach. 

Manage Your Time - Time management and prioritizing are everything. Schedule out a time to study—don’t just leave it until you feel like it. 

Keep It Clean - Just as comfort can make or break a study space, so can cleanliness determine whether the space adds to your productivity or not. Keeping a study space tidy is important. 

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