How to Create a Study Schedule to Prepare for Final Exams

Decide when you’ll study -  Schedule your study time for a time of day when you know you’ll be the sharpest – this will help you retain information more easily. 

Schedule everything -  Before you create your study schedule, make sure you add the non-studying stuff you have to do—classes, extracurricular activities, doctor’s appointments, etc 

Set realistic goals for your study sessions -  Don’t schedule study time for eight hours of the day on top of the other stuff you have to do, too. The more realistic you can be, the more productive your studying will be. 

Limit your study time per session-  Scheduling your study time in 2-hour blocks not only prevents you from setting unrealistic goals, but it also helps you make the most productive schedule. 

Focus on 1 topic at a time -  In each study session, studying 1 subject at a time can help you focus on the material better and therefore retain more. 

Make time for review -  When you’re setting up your times to study, make sure you build in 10 or 15 minutes to quickly review what you studied the day before. 

Build-in breaks - While you’re scheduling time to study, it’s also important to build breaks into your schedule. Research suggests that you should take a break for 10-15 minutes every hour. 

Stay consistent - Try to study at the same time every day. This can make studying become almost automatic. The one exception to this, of course, is if your study area is unavailable. 

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