How to Create a Study Schedule for Your Final Exams 

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Figure out your goals : This needs to be more than just “I want to ace all of my courses.” Be specific, and be realistic. Consider how much time and commitment each goal will require.

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Decide on a system : How far do you want to plan in advance? A few days? A week? A month? For final exams, it is advisable to be as forward-thinking as possible, without overstretching your capability to keep up with your plan.

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Get a sense of how much time you have for studying on each day : Do you have a long commute, a weekly work/volunteer schedule, or other time-consuming tasks that may impede studying? Remember that studying without single-minded focus is barely studying at all.

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Fill in study topics: Working backwards may help here. Write your exam dates and times first, and you will often find that the exam weeks themselves are not flexible. For example, you may choose to leave the day before the exam exclusively for content review.

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As you work backwards, be sure that you are being specific: it is okay to devote the day before an exam to a full review of that exam’s material, but the week before an exam may be a good time to review specific chapters or units.

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Follow through : There are many different tactics for this. If you are tech savvy, you can save your schedule items as smartphone calendar reminders each day, so you wake up to the tune of what you have planned to study.

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Consider what happens if you go off your study plan : Panic may seep in when you find you are losing confidence in one or more courses. In most cases, stick to your plan! Trust yourself. If you find that you cannot complete a study topic in the time you have allotted

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