How to Create a Positive Mindset to Crack NEET-UG 2022?

Trust your Goals

The first step in any NEET-UG 2022 journey is to believe in yourself and trust the process. Preparation takes time, and as an aspirant, you have to believe that you are capable of reaching your desired dream of becoming a doctor.

Be Focused & Consistent

Each day of your preparation journey is not the same. Some days might seem highly productive, while others would be chaotic and non-efficient

Track your Progress

Preparation without tracking is of no use. Nothing boosts confidence more than seeing exponential growth. Every time you complete a hapter/topic, write it down, and whenever you feel low in mood or disheartened, look at that.

Reward  yourself

Always remember, positive reaffirmations from yourself go a long way! Tiny steps make away in the woods, so reward yourself for every small win with something you like.

Find a NEET-UG Mentor

A mentor is highly recommended for your exam preparation because they will offer their insights on the dynamics of NEET-UG and will surely help in seeing the problems from a different perspective.

Be Competitive and Not Comparative

Healthy competition amongst NEET-UG peers is fine, but when it gives rise to jealousy or comparison, your focus starts shifting from an actual goal to useless stuff, leading to a loss in your preparation.

Treat yourself with Kindness

Kindness is what every living being deserves. Therefore, it is vital to forgive and learn from your own mistakes and use those lessons to improve your tomorrow. Being too hard on yourself only exhausts you and builds stress that is not helpful to reaching your goals.

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