How to Create a Good College Resume

Heading -  Include all your personal information, including your name, address, phone number, and email address. 

Academic profile -  List your high school and the dates you attended on your resume for a college application. 

SAT/ACT scores -  List the highest score if you took the test more than once. 

Co-curricular activities -  Include any school-affiliated clubs, musical groups, or sports teams you took part in. 

Extracurricular activities -  Mention out-of-school groups or activities in which you participated. 

Employment history -  This can include part-time jobs at businesses as well as internships, research experience, job shadowing, summer program, and study abroad programs. 

Skills -  Include any languages you are fluent in, computer skills, software skills, and soft skills like leadership or communication to increase the odds that you will get accepted. 

Volunteer experience -  Having volunteer experience on a resume for a college application shows that you care about the world around you and are willing to work for the betterment of your community. 

Recognition -  List the achievements you are most proud of, including any honors or awards. 

Hobbies and interests -  Focus on hobbies that are indirectly related to your intended degree program. 

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