Lined Circle

How to crack CA campus interviews?

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Prepare thoroughly: The interviewer often asks technical, behavioral, and experience-based questions, which should be confidently answered. It is important to be ready by practicing for group discussions and other questions.

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Good communication skills: Interpersonal and intrapersonal communication skills are required for success in group discussions and interviews. This is due to the fact that, without a doubt, all chartered accountants are extremely adept and knowledgeable in the area that they have worked so hard to master. 

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Be clear and confident with your choices:  Every CA Aspirant must make the very essential decision regarding the choice of field in which they wish to work. An informed decision must be made before going into the interview because the interviewer will definitely judge on this basis.  

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Prepare well for the Group Discussion : Understanding the goal and relevance of the issue in the context of the job being interviewed for is the first step in a group discussion, though there does not have to be a direct link. 

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Build a strong resume:  It is extremely crucial to create a resume that includes everything about you that the interviewer will be interested in learning about. Your academic qualifications, articles experience, any internships you’ve done, your abilities, and a little something about yourself should all be included on your resume. 

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Dress well : A formal dress code is a must for any professional interview. Before you even speak, your physical appearance makes an impact. The dress code is prescribed by ICAI on their website too which should thoroughly be followed by the candidates. 

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Be punctual : Leave early to arrive on time. Have ample margin for eventualities such as vehicle breakdowns, traffic snarls, getting lost, etc. Reach the interview venue at least 10-15 minutes in advance so that you are well settled to face the interview. 

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