How to Choose the Right Master’s Degree? 

Do your research - This kind of goes without saying, but make sure you research your options thoroughly. Pay special attention to their reputation for research.

Meet course supervisors - Knowing that your prospective supervisor shares your interests and approach is a definite bonus.’

Consider the financial cost - You need to consider whether you can afford it, as this can influence the choice you make.

Consider the course length -   A master’s degree is a big commitment, so weigh up these scenarios and consider what other things you may be giving up on for the duration of your studies.

Weigh your choice against your strengths - It’s important to base your decision on your current skills, experience, and expertise.

Consider the location -  You should still bear in mind where the university is located and the effect this will have on your personal life.

Consider how you’ll learn - It’s important to remember that postgraduate study is drastically different from undergraduate study.

Check the requirements - It makes no sense to apply for a 'perfect' course if you don't match the entry requirements for it, so the first thing you should do is check your eligibility.

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