How to Choose CA Final Elective Paper?

Risk Management -  ICAI introduced this for future chartered accountants to specialize in various risks businesses have to face. Here, you gain knowledge about risks and learn to build capacity for addressing those risks through study and experience.

Financial Services & Capital Market (FSCM) -  The main objective of this subject is to make students well versed in the financial and capital markets.

International Taxation -  As the name suggests, International taxation deals with concepts, principles, and provisions of taxation in foreign countries and their co-relation with India.

Economic law -  Here, a student develops a deep understanding of the economic laws of India and applies that learning to solve practical day-to-day issues.

Global Financial Reporting Standards (GFRS)  - International financial reporting standards along with differences between IFRS and US GAAPs are vital concepts in the subject.

Multi-Disciplinary Case Study -  As it is clear by the name, here students study the concepts, provisions, and principles of multiple disciplines to solve practical case scenarios.

Final thoughts -  As you got a fair idea about CA final elective papers, it’s time to choose the one subject best for you. Make use of the information provided above and make your career progression.

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