How to build a realistic study plan that you’ll actually stick to

Get yourself a Study Plan Template -  The very first thing you need to do is to print out a weekly study planner Having a template that you can print out, fill in, and have with you when you study will help you to keep your time and your goals in check. 

Evaluate your own time -  How do you spend your days? What are the regular things you do every day that take up the hours? Write these down, from Monday to Sunday. Be honest with yourself in assessing how long things take. 

Realistic study sessions Now that you know what times of the day you can dedicate to study, you need to work out the perfect amount of time that you need to absorb ideas and work. This will differ from student to student. 

Slotting study in -  Now that you know how long you need per study session, find the empty spots in your weekly schedule that coincide with this figure and pencil them in for dedicated study. 

Tick off your goals -  It is important for your morale and mental state to acknowledge when you achieve your goals. Acknowledging your achievements will keep you motivated and give you solid proof that you are making progress. 

Put it where you can see it -  Put your weekly study planner somewhere you can see it. This may be on the fridge, above your desk, or next to your computer. Keeping your planner in sight helps you to stick to it. 

Review and rejig -  Throughout your week, review and rejig your weekly planner to accommodate any changes or unexpected events. 

Make it a weekly ritual -  Every Sunday night spend an hour or so working out your planner for the week. This will help you to stay on top of, not only your studies but your life. 

Daily planners are also a good tool -  In addition to a weekly planner, some students find daily planners can be helpful. These are not necessary like a weekly planner, but for some, they can be helpful. 

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