How to boost your reading speed

Hand Pacing Technique -  Hands pacing is a simple and quick reading improvement technique allowing you to read faster while maintaining a steady level of apprehension.

Scanning and Previewing -  Scanning and previewing techniques enhance your skill to quickly capture the central idea of what you plan to read. These techniques will teach you to scan for numbers, names, and trigger words.

Reading Chunks of Words -  Reading groups of words is one of the key skills to gain when learning how to speed read. It is also one of the most time-consuming speed reading techniques to learn.

Improve Reading  Comprehension -  Reading comprehension is the capability to read a text, process it, and apprehend it. The way you comprehend (or understand) what you read will depend upon the association made with the knowledge structure you already have.

Scan for Key Words -  Instead of sounding out the letter combinations we put together to make words and reading them all individually, focus on how your eyes move across the page.

Skip Ahead -  Just read the first and last sentences of a paragraph first. This can save you a lot of time if the first sentence of a paragraph introduces a topic that you already know.

Reverse Bad Reading Habits -  To increase the effectiveness of your reading, be aware that certain habits can reduce efficiency. Many develop those bad reading habits as a child during school.

Take Notes -  Including a short summary of the most important information you found – You can review this days or years down the line and be able to recall what the book or passage was about.

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