How to become a Master in Class 10 Science 

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Check the Syllabus of Class 10 Science -  The students firstly are required to know what they are required to study in Science, need to refer CBSE Class 10 Science Syllabus.

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Go to the Basics -  Study From Your Science Textbook - Science is a subject where you are required to have a complete understanding of the base matter. You directly cannot jump to any exercise questions and get it correct.

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Choose the Qualitative Approach of Study -  It is advised that students must not rush only behind those chapters which have more weightage of marks. Rather, know the importance of each chapter.

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Emphasis on NCERT Solutions Class 10 -  Students must refer to NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science. This will help the students to know the syllabus and what exactly they should study for the subject. This is the most reliable source.

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Prepare Your Important  Questions -  When you prepare important questions yourself, you will get more clarity on the chapter and will find sample questions to prepare.

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Study the science formulas -  When you come across a chapter in your science textbook, write down the formulas for each chapter. This will give you the advantage of studying the formula from a chart and will also help you remember it.

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Revision Notes -  In this subject as well, the students must revise continuously so that they do not forget their lessons which they have studied hard previously

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Manage your time well -  In the exam hall, you need to complete the paper in the pre-determined time and try to solve sample papers in that time, this will give you practice rounds at home. You have to allot time according to the length of the answer.

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