How to become a Lifelong Learner

Identify your learning style -  Everyone has a preferred way they like to approach information. Determine your own preferred learning style or style. Note what learning techniques are most efficient for you and use them as much as is practical. 

Take stock of your talents and interests -  Knowing where your interests lie can tell you a lot about yourself. Try many different things so that you don't box yourself into believing you're only good at a few things. 

Cultivate a positive attitude toward learning -  If this feels like a chore, you’re unlikely to stick with it. Don't just force yourself to learn things because they're important or necessary. Instead, learn things that you need to learn alongside things you love to learn. 

Start with the basics -  Jumping right into the deep end can be overwhelming. It can be a grind at times, but you'll be able to remember, connect and figure out all kinds of complicated things through relatively few, simple building blocks if you learn some math and natural science concepts. 

Read every single day -  Even if it’s just a few pages, the habit will help you learn a ton. Make friends with your local library and new and used booksellers. Reading is a portal into other worlds and into the minds of your fellow human beings. 

Get some perspective -  Broaden your horizons and respect the journey. Take a look at the theory of multiple intelligences] if you don't know it yet. Consider how you might fit in, and where you can improve. 

Explore new things -  The more you expand your boundaries, the more you’ll learn. As an adult, your experience may be your best teacher. Whether you work for pay or volunteer your time, focus on a project, or tinker with whatever grabs your attention, try lots of things and notice the results. 

Create something -  Flexing your creative muscles can help you learn about yourself. Not all learning comes from outside you. Creation, like intelligence, can be artistic or scientific; physical or intellectual; social or solitary. Try different media and methods and refine the ones you like the most.  

Pay close attention to the world -  Develop your observational skills to become more thoughtful. Look more closely at your world, and examine both the usual and the unusual. Also, look at the world from different levels. 

Take some classes -  No matter how dedicated an autodidact you are, some subjects are best learned with the aid of a teacher. Remember that a teacher may be found in a classroom, but also in an office, a neighbor's garage, a store, a restaurant, or a taxicab. The teacher may also be a mentor or a guide of some sort in your life. 

Ask questions -  Stay curious and don’t hesitate to ask for more information. Asking the right questions can be more important than having the answers. It can also turn just about anybody into a teacher. Be sure to listen closely and understand the response. 

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