How to balance part-time work while studying full-time

Plan ahead -  Cramming and writing your essay the night before is the last thing you want to do. Your university work requires full engagement and concentration! So, prioritizing and planning are your best protection against deadlines creeping up on you. 

Be aware of your limits. -  Committing to more work than you can handle is very common, so don’t panic. Ask yourself — "How much work can I cope with?" And again, prioritize and decide what you need to do first. Studying should, without a doubt, be your main priority. Working should just be a source of financial support that you might need and a way to gather extra experience. 

Use your time wisely! -  To be able to balance work and study, you will need to make sure that the time you spend studying is time well spent. Be productive! Study in short periods with breaks to ensure you stay focused and avoid procrastination. Turn off social media and prepare some snacks. Getting rid of distractions and using incentives will help you get your university work done faster. 

Get enough rest and prioritize your  health. -  Remaining healthy both physically and mentally is key! Keep in mind that you are still growing, and you need to take special care of your health. Sleep a minimum of 7 to 8 hours, or at least try to. This will strengthen your immune system, benefit your memory, and help you cope with stress much better. 

Consider working online or taking online classes -  If you're attempting to attend university full-time and work part-time, you may benefit from looking at online options. Whether you're completing an undergraduate or graduate program, your university may offer online courses. Some courses are completely online, while others offer a combination of online and in-person classes. Either way, you may be able to access course content at times that are convenient for you. 

Find ways to study while you commute -  As you may have a busy schedule, it can be helpful to find ways to study while you commute. If you drive your own car to work or university, you can play recorded lectures or listen to online discussions that cover the subject you're currently studying. This can help you refine your understanding and expand your knowledge of specific topics. 

Organize your schedule -  It's a good idea to organize your schedule before you start your university and work routine. This can help you create a schedule that suits your preferences. For example, to reach 20 to 25 hours of work per week, some people may want to work five or six shorter shifts, whereas others may prefer to work two or three longer shifts. You may also consider what time of day you prefer to work and whether you want to work on the weekends or reserve these days for studying. 

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