How to Avoid Academic Burnout in College

Learn to say no -  Part of avoiding burnout comes down to managing your responsibilities. Instead, think strategically about where to cut, prioritizing the things that matter most to you. 

Focus on Time Management -  Time management goes hand-in-hand with learning to say no. College students often take on ambitious side hustles or major projects without considering how much time they'll take. 

Prioritize Sleep and Exercise - Incorporating exercise into your daily routine, and prioritizing sleep helps prevent and treat burnout.  

Taking a realistic approach to goals helps relieve stress -  Instead of packing your schedule or trying to cram for finals in a single night, set more reasonable expectations. 

Make Time For Fun -  Academics are a big part of college, but they aren't the only part. Packing every waking hour with schoolwork is a sure way to burn out before the end of the semester. 

Network -  College applications often require letters of recommendation. You can ask adults with whom you’ve developed meaningful relationships over the years to speak to your best qualities in such letters. 

Diversify your dreams  -  Instead of setting your sights on just one “dream” school, shift your perspective so as to consider a trio or handful of “dreams” schools. 

Ask for Help -  Most college students experience burnout, so learning how to ask for help is key. That can mean leaning on friends going through similar struggles or turning to family. 

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