How to Ace Data Interpretation in GRE? 

Pie Chart The most popular- and perhaps also the easiest, Pie Charts are circular graphs divided into sectors; each of which holds some significant data that when put together form a whole. The sectors demonstrate percentages or proportions of a quantity that is demarcated in the question alongside.

Set a study schedule -  Create a study schedule that suits your schedule and make sure you allocate enough time for each section of the exam and take breaks to avoid burnout.

Practice with GRE study materials -  There are many study materials available for the GRE, including books, online courses, and practice tests.

Take practice tests - Taking practice tests can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses and gauge your readiness for the actual exam.

Line Graphs Another type of DI GRE question that is bound to come at least a few times in your exam is Line charts. You must have already seen these types of graphs feature on TVs and newspapers often.

 Develop a Strong Conceptual Understanding As mentioned above, DI GRE isn’t a test of your memory or rote-learning skills, but rather.

The Art of Being Approximately Accurate Firstly, it is important to understand that the GRE is designed to test your presence of mind! This means that you will encounter some challenging numbers and calculations.

Two is Better than One Interpreting data quickly is a skill that comes with practice. You need to cultivate it, just as you would hone any other talents.

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