How Taking the GMAT Exam Can Point You to Your Best Fit Program 

Access the world’s business schools with the GMAT -  Not only do the majority of business school candidates prefer the GMAT over other tests like the GRE, but business schools also place a high value on the exam. 

Helps with assessment –  The GMAT helps business schools assess all applicants on a standardized basis, explains Boban Sulik, deputy director of admissions at ESMT Berlin. 

Find your best fit program -  With the world’s business schools at your fingertips, it can be tough to decide which schools to apply to. 

Competitive Rating -  This service also gives you a competitive rating for each of your schools by measuring the average score and the number of applications you received against your GMAT score. 

Connect with your best-suited business schools with GMASS -  The free GMAC tool, GMASS, allows leading global business schools to reach you directly to assess you as a candidate and provide information on things like scholarships and financial aid gives. 

Impact on your career –  Taken as a package, the variety of tools available after taking the GMAT means that every application you send will be to a school that best fits your goals and interests, ensuring that they can make the best possible impact on your career. 

Helps Schools Stand Out -  By completing your profile, GLASS helps schools stand out from you in a competitive marketplace. 

World’s business schools at your fingertips -  With the world’s business schools at your fingertips, it can be tough to decide which schools to apply to. 

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