How Students Keep Away From Distractions While Revising

For the new-age student, distractions are now not just limited to daydreaming about their crush or summer vacations, watching TV, or the urge to step out.

Make a Schedule or To-Do List -  You can help organize your deadlines and manage your time more efficiently with a proper schedule.

Turn Off Alerts - Constant notifications and text messages are every college student's enemy. Put your phone on silent or in "Do Not Disturb" mode, and close unnecessary tabs on your computer.

Break Down Your Work into Smaller Tasks -  Defeat procrastination by breaking a large project into small pieces.

Use Headphones -  If you are working in a noisy environment, use noise-cancelling headphones.

Find the Right Place to Do Work -  Some students work best with a little background noise, while others need complete quite.

Clear Your Desk -  Go through your desk and keep only the essentials. A clean workspace can help reduce anxiety and make room for motivation.

Reward Yourself -  A little motivation can go a long way. Setting up a reward system is a good way to encourage yourself to do something.

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