How Social Media Can Support Your College Applications

Ways to clean up social media for college applications -  

Review and Remove Certain Account Content -  In general, it’s best to follow the rule “if it’s inappropriate, take it down.” Review posted and tagged photos, videos, and posts for everything from bad language to bad jokes and consider hiding it or taking it down. 

Remember to Deactivate Old Account -  If there’s any chance an old account was opened and not maintained or reviewed, remember to deactivate it. 

Consider How  Their Social Media Profile Portrays Them -  Remember, social media only portrays a fraction of who your child really is and their personality, so make sure the message their social media resume is sending is aligned with who they are. 

Such social media can support your college application -

Add your work or volunteer experience to LinkedIn -  Put the experience you have into your LinkedIn Profile. There’s even a place to add work experience to your Facebook Profile. 

Share links to your artwork, photography, or writing samples -  You have a “thing” and no matter what it is, make sure that admissions teams can find it easily when they search for you. Create an album or add links on Facebook/LinkedIn. 

Blog (or vlog) about whatever it is that you do -  In this case, you’ve got a hobby/passion that has helped you develop discipline and strength through practice and determination. 

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