How does Social Media Affect your Studies 

Distraction:  Social media platforms can be a major source of distraction, leading to reduced focus and productivity during study sessions. 

Time Management:  Excessive use of social media can result in poor time management, as hours may be spent scrolling through feeds instead of studying. 

Information Source:  On the positive side, social media can be a valuable source of information and resources for research and studies. 

Collaboration:  Social media platforms can facilitate collaboration and group study sessions with peers, making it easier to share notes and discuss academic topics. 

Mental Health:  Excessive use of social media can lead to stress and anxiety, particularly when comparing one's academic performance to others on social platforms. 

Productivity Tools:  There are apps and groups on social media designed to boost productivity and help with study strategies. 

Networking:  Social media can be used for networking and connecting with professionals and experts in your field of study, potentially opening up future opportunities. 

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