How Do I Manage Stress in Medical Life? 

Find a Mentor -  One of the best stress management tactics is to find a mentor. A good mentor can show you the ropes and prepare you for bumps in the road. 

Exercise -  Exercise is a great stress reliever and combats depression better than most other techniques. It is not only a release for your mind but works out pent-up energy and aggression. 

Attend a Pass/Fail School -  If you can, go to a pass/fail medical school. There are top medical schools like Yale and Stanford that are strictly passing/failing. 

Take it Slow -  Slow and steady wins the race. This idiom is especially true for medical school. If you want to make it through with your sanity, just breathe and take it slow.  

Learn to Love Studying -  You will study a lot. You will probably spend all your time studying, so you better learn to love this stress management technique. 

Vent But Don't Complain -  It's important to vent. It allows you to let out your frustrations and relieve stress by talking about all the things that are worrying you and things that you hate. 

Take a Break -  Everyone needs a break. Especially overworked and overstressed medical students. Take a weekend to go out of town or go to the mountains. 

Have a Good Support System -  If you're stressed, depressed, or suicidal, it's very important that you have at least one good person you can confide in and rely on for support. 

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